Value-added Trainings for Employees

Emotion Management at Workplace

The concept of Emotional Quotient first appeared in the 1990s. Later on, many researches pointed out that a person with high emotional quotient would have better leadership qualities and perform well in the workplace. He/She would also maintain good interpersonal relationship with superiors and colleagues. This workshop aims at helping participants understand and sort out their own emotions through the concept of Emotional Quotient, and learn how to effectively enhance their emotion management ability.

Course Code: HRI18024

Tutor: Experienced Counsellor

Number Of People: 16 - 30

Duration: 2 Hours

Course Type: Talk

Work-Life Balance Workshop

Nowadays, there seems to be no one who can finish work on time. When downsizing and retrenchment are the two buzz words, many companies have already withdrawn their overtime work systems. Working overtime has become a common phenomenon. Everybody knows overwork, over-eat, reduced rest and little exercise do more harm than good. Everybody knows the importance of work-life balance. Yet, when we are in the face of heavy workload and life stress, how can we manage all these stresses with ease? “Work-Life Balance Workshop” will help you gain a better understanding on stress and introduce ways to release stress and enjoy a balanced life.

Course Code: HRI18025

Tutor: Experienced Counsellor

Number Of People: 16 - 30

Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hours

Course Type: Talk

Live in the Present: Mindfulness Workshop

Mindfulness helps us live in the present. Occasionally, we are bothered by our past, worried about the future or perplexed by things we cannot change. Mindfulness training helps us truly feel and appreciate every moment and promotes emotional management skill. Studies show that mindfulness can effectively reduce mental illness and work-related stress, thus improve overall health.

Course Code: HRI18026

Tutor: Experienced Counsellor

Number Of People: < 15

Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hours, 2 Hours, 3 Hours

Course Type: Workshop

Chinese Medicine for Menopause

Menopause is a normal physiological change of all women. General symptoms include light sweat, hot flashes, irritability, poor quality of sleep etc. These symptoms appear in varying degree in women affected by menopause. The main cause for these symptoms is degeneration of ovarian functions causing imbalance of hormones, plus factors like body constitution, nutrition, social environment, cultural quality etc. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, these symptoms are related to the decline of kidney energy and the approach of the end of menstruation, causing insufficiency of vital essence and blood and imbalance of yin and yang. Understanding menopause will help reduce stresses every working woman has to face.

Course Code: HRI18028

Tutor: Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Number Of People: 16 - 30, > 30

Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hours

Course Type: Talk

Light Exercise Workshop

“Daily work-outs drive illness away!”
The hectic life of urbanites and the long hour of work in front of a screen significantly reduce a person’s physical activity and eventually affect the health. The situation will become even worse if he / she becomes a phone snubber after work. The worsening air quality in our busy city makes us vulnerable to common cold. To build a strong body, some light exercises will certainly help!

Course Code: HRI18032

Tutor: Fitness Coach

Number Of People: 16 - 30

Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hours, 2 Hours, 3 Hours

Course Type: Workshop

Theraband Exercise Workshop

Do you have problem of mucsle fatigue? What's the difference between muscle strength and muscle endurance? How do we exercise different parts of muscles at home? This workshop helps you to understand the theory and usage of fitness rubber ban.

Course Code: HRI18034

Tutor: Registered Physiotherapist

Number Of People: 16 - 30

Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hours, 2 Hours, 3 Hours

Course Type: Workshop

Seasonal Chinese Tonic Soup

Tonic soup is good at balancing the effects coming from different environmental factors like wind, chill, damp, heat and dryness as the seasons move. It can also nourish and warm the body. According to the Five Elements Theory, different organs need to be nourished under different seasons. For instance, spring belongs to Wood in the Element, corresponding to Liver in the Five Internal Organs; summer belongs to Earth, corresponding to spleen; autumn belongs to Metal, corresponding to lung; winter belongs to Water, corresponding to kidney. There exists huge knowledge in the theory. If participants combine the recommendations on health regimen in different seasons with suitable therapeutic diets, they can cure and prevent many possible illnesses.

Course Code: HRI18035

Tutor: Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Number Of People: 16 - 30, > 30

Duration: 2 Hours

Course Type: Talk

Be Your Own Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Chinese medicine suggested four diagnostic methods, while observation is the first step. There are many people in daily life omitting their bodily feedback and have missed the signal from our body. For example, what health condition does an acne growing reflect? How does it differ as it grows on the forehead or besides the mouth? The Chinese Medicine Practitioner will introduce some observable traits of health problems.

Course Code: HRI18037

Tutor: Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Number Of People: 16 - 30

Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hours

Course Type: Talk

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